Book & Reading


Sad, and alarming is the fact that child obesity has increased during the pandemic.  In fact, it has increased by 2% and is most pronounced in the age group between 5 to 9 years according to Dr. Brian Jenssen as reported in the March 2021 online publication of ‘Pediatrics’.

We know that our children have been less active during this period but things are slowly opening up again.  It’s important that we try to regain control of our children’s healthier life styles so that the increase in obesity does not have long term negative effects on their physical and mental health.

We can help by getting our kids moving.  Walking, hiking, and biking are excellent ways to enjoy our many beautiful parks and trails.  Nature walks are simple, fun ways to connect with our children and nature.  Have kids look for as many different leaves as they can find.  Bring them home to make collages to display.

Movement is essential for good physical and mental health.  Let us lead the way as parents and good role models to show our children how to lead long, active, healthy lives.

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